Фазовая диаграмма системы Rh-Tb

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Rh-Tb (Rhodium-Terbium) Editor [Moffatt] proposed a schematic diagram based on eight intermetallic compounds quoted in [89Bla] from [73Gha] and assuming a similarity to the Er-Rh system. bRh3Tb5 is stable above ~900 C [73Gha].-H.O. 62Dwi: A.E. Dwight, USAEC, ANL-6677, 258-260 (1962); quoted from [Shunk]. 63Dwi: A.E. Dwight, USAEC, ANL-6868, 303-305 (1963); quoted from [Shunk]. 73Gha: H. Ghassem and S. Raman, Z. Metallkd., 64(3), 197-199 (1973). 73Ram: A. Raman and H. Ghassem, J. Less-Common Met., 30(2), 185-197 (1973). 76Mor: J.M. Moreau, D. Paccard, and E. Parthe, Acta Crystallogr. B, 32, 1767- 1771 (1976). 89Bla: Z. Blazina, R.C. Mohanty, and A. Raman, Z. Metallkd., 80(3) 192-196 ( 1989). 1