Фазовая диаграмма системы Pd-Zn

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Pd-Zn (Palladium-Zinc) Editor The Pd-Zn phase diagram is essentially from [51Kos] with an additional phase, PdZn2, from [78Ala]. The g phase field consisted of g and g› in the diagram of [51Kos]. Only one phase was found by [78Ala].-H.O. 51Kos: W. Koster and U. Zwicker, Festschrift aus Anlass des 100-jahrigen Jubilaums der Firma W.C. Heraeus G.m.b.H., 76-90 (1951) in German; quoted in [ Hansen]. 78Ala: K.M. Alasafi, T. Chattopadhyay, and K. Schubert, J. Less-Common Met., 59, 941-950 (1978). 1