Фазовая диаграмма системы Pd-V

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Pd-V (Palladium-Vanadium) J.F. Smith The assessed phase diagram for the Pd-V system has been modified from [58Kos] to incorporate currently accepted melting points for Pd and V and to incorporate the work of [81Wat] concerning the range of homogeneity of PdV3. [ 58Kos] found three intermediate phases in equilibrium at low temperatures. [56Gre] found that the solubility of V in (Pd) extended to about 50 at.%, and that the solubility of Pd in (V) was about 20 at.%. There has been interest in PdV3 because of its structural relationship to a number of "high-temperature" superconductors. [67Vie] found that PdV3 was not superconducting above 0.35 K; [69Bla] did detect superconductivity, but at the very low temperature of 0.082 K. A value of 0.08 K has been quoted [69Bla, 70Spi, 74Wan] in subsequent studies and surveys. Complementary to the superconductivity reports on the V-rich phase is the report by [81Tur] that no magnetic order was found in quench-disordered PdV, Pd2V, or Pd3V nor in equilibrated and ordered Pd2V or Pd3V. 56Gre: P. Greenfield and P.A. Beck, Trans. Am. Inst. Min. Met. Eng., 206, 265- 276 (1956). 58Kos: W. Koster and W.D. Haehl, Z. Metallkd., 49, 647-679 (1958) in German. 61Dwi: A.E. Dwight, J.W. Downey, and R.A. Conner, Jr., Acta Crystallogr., 14, 75-76 (1961). 62Kud: E. Kudielka-Artner and B.B. Argent, Proc. Phys. Soc., 80, 1143-1148 ( 1961). 64Mal: A. Maldonado and K. Schubert, Z. Metallkd., 55, 619-626 (1964). 65Gie: B.C. Giessen and N.J. Grant, J. Less-Common Met., 8, 114-119 (1965). 67Vie: E. Vielhaber and H.L. Luo, Solid State Commun., 5, 221-223 (1967). 68Reu: E.C. van Reuth and R.M. Waterstrat, Acta Crystallogr. B, 24, 186-196 ( 1968). 69Bla: R.D. Blaugher, R.A. Hein, J.E. Cox, and R.M. Waterstrat, J. Low Temp. Phys., 1, 539-547 (1969). 70Spi: P. Spitzli, R. Flukiger, F. Heiniger, A. Junod, J. Muller, and J.L. Staudenmann, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 31, 1531-1537 (1970) in French. 74Wan: F.E. Wang, J. Phys. Chem. Solids, 35, 273-278 (1974). 81Tur: P. Turek and R. Kuentzler, Physica, 107B, 257-258 (1981). 81Wat: R.M. Waterstrat, J. Less-Common Met., 80, P31-P36 (1981). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Vanadium Alloys, 1989. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 2 tables, and 13 references. Special Points of the Pd-V System