Фазовая диаграмма системы N-V

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


In-V (Indium-Vanadium) J.F. Smith and K.J. Lee The assessed In-V phase diagram is based on review of the work of [70Sve]. To obtain more detail in the diagram, a thermodynamic calculation of the In-V phase relationships was undertaken by the present evaluators, which produced a diagram that is in good accord with the data of [70Sve]. [70Sve] reported essentially complete immiscibility between solid In and solid V, extensive immiscibility between liquid In and solid V, and appreciable liquid immiscibility associated with a monotectic reaction arising from a depression in the melting point of V by dissolved In. In the assessed diagram, the melting point of V is depressed by In additions to a minimum value at 1877 C and 89.0 at.%, where a monotectic reaction occurs. It has been suggested that Cr3Si-type phases such as InV3 might be stabilized by high pressures. On the basis of atomic size considerations, [74Leg] concluded that stabilization of InV3 with a Cr3Si-type structure would, if possible, require pressures in excess of 100 kbar. Available evidence indicates that the InV3 phase reported by [66Sav] is not representative of the binary In-V system; the most likely cause of the appearance of the InV3 phase is impurity stabilization. 66Sav: E.M. Savitskii, V.V. Baron, and Yu.V. Efimov, Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 171, 331-332 (1966) in Russian; TR: Sov. Phys.-Dokl., 11(11), 988 (1967). 70Sve: V.N. Svechnikov, V.M. Pan, and V.I. Latysheva, Metallofiz., 27, 175-177 (1970) in Russian. 74Leg: J.M. Leger and H.T. Hall, J. Less-Common Met., 34, 17-24 (1974). Published in Phase Diagrams of Binary Vanadium Alloys, 1989, and Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 6(2), Feb 1985. Complete evaluation contains 1 figure, 1 table, and 22 references. 1