Фазовая диаграмма системы Er-Pt

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Er-Pt (Erbium-Platinum) Editor [Moffatt] redrew the Er-Pt phase diagram from [71Kol], with insertion of Er5Pt3 and Er5Pt4 cited in [81Ian] and a change of notation of ErxPty (~57 at.% Pt) to Er3Pt4 according to [77Pal].-H.O. 63Dwi: A.E. Dwight, USAEC, ANL-6868, 303-305 (1963). 65Ell: R.P. Elliott, in Rare Earth Research III, L. Eyring, Ed., Gordon and Breach, Science Publishers, New York, 215-245 (1965). 65Mor: J.L. Moriarty, R.O. Gordon, and J.E. Humphreys, Acta Crystallogr., 19(2) , 285-286 (1965). 67Bro: W. Bronger, J. Less-Common Met., 12(1), 63-68 (1967). 71Kol: V.E. Kolesnichenko, V.F. Terekhova, and E.M. Savitsky, Diagr. Sost. Met. Sistem, Nauka Publishers, 174-176 (1971) in Russian. 77Pal: A. Palenzona, J. Less-Common Met., 53, 133-136 (1977). 78Ler1: J. Le Roy, J.M. Moreau, and D. Paccard, Acta Crystallogr. B, 34, 9-13 ( 1978). 78Ler2: J. Le Roy, J.M. Moreau, D. Paccard, and E. Parthe, Acta Crystallogr. B, 34(11), 3315-3318 (1978). 79Ler: J. Le Roy, J.M. Moreau, D. Paccard, and E. Parthe, Acta Crystallogr. B, 35(6), 1437-1439 (1979). 81Ian: A. Iandelli and A. Palenzona, J. Less-Common Met., 80, 71-82 (1981). 1