Фазовая диаграмма системы Al-In

К оглавлению: Другие диаграммы (Others phase diargams)


Al-In (Aluminum-Indium) J.L. Murray The solid phases of the Al-In system are (1) the fcc (Al) solid solution, which dissolves about 0.045 at.% In, and (2) the (In) solid solution, which dissolves very little Al. The Al-In system is characterized by liquid-phase immiscibility below a critical point, a monotectic reaction of (Al) with the two liquids, and a eutectic reaction in which the In-rich liquid solidifies. There are conflicting data on the miscibility gap near the critical point. The assessed phase diagram is based on thermodynamic optimization calculations using enthalpy of mixing and phase boundary data. Such a calculation provides only an upper limit on the critical temperature, because it uses a classical model for the Gibbs energies and predicts classical critical exponents that are known to be incorrect. The calculated miscibility gap has been adjusted near the critical point to give a more nearly correct exponent for the phase boundaries. The studies of [51Har], [52Cam], [55Sam], [63Wit], [66Cam], [66Mas] , [69Yaz], [71Lee], and [81Gru] were reviewed in constructing the assessed diagram. Aging of single crystals of (Al) containing 0.012 at.% In was studied. Aging at temperatures below 300 C resulted in a metastable fcc In-rich precipitate, denoted In›. It was not determined whether the precipitate was coherent with the matrix. Systems with a liquid miscibility gap and a monotectic reaction are favorable for the production of fibrous composite structures, and Al-In alloys have been used in several solidification studies. Zero gravity solidification verified that critical point wetting provides a mechanism for macrosegregation, even in the absence of gravitational segregation. [81Gru] showed that fibrous composite structures can be obtained by directional solidification at growth rates below 5 mm/s. 51Har: H.K. Hardy, J. Inst. Met., 80, 431-434 (1951). 52Cam: A.N. Campbell, L.B. Buchanan, J.M. Kuzmak, and R.H. Tuxworth, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 74, 1962-1966 (1952). 55Sam: L.E. Samuels, J. Inst. Met., 84, 333-336 (1955). 55Sil: J.M. Silcock, J. Inst. Met., 84, 19-22 (1955). 63Wit: F.E. Witting and G. Keil, Z. Metallkd., 54(10), 576-590 (1963) in German. 66Cam: A.N. Campbell and R. Wagemann, Can. J. Chem., 44, 657-660 (1966). 66Mas: G. Massart, F. Durand, and E. Bonnier, C.R. Acad. Sci. Paris C, 262, 185-188 (1966) in French. 69Yaz: A. Yazawa and Y.K. Lee, J. Jpn. Inst. Met., 33(3), 318-323 (1969) in Japanese. 71Lee: Y.K. Lee, J. Korean Inst. Met., 8(4), 205-211 (1971) in Korean. 81Gru: R.N. Grugel and A. Hellawell, Metall. Trans. A, 12, 669-681 (1981). Published in Bull. Alloy Phase Diagrams, 4(3), Nov 1983. Complete evaluation contains 5 figures, 5 tables, and 27 references. Special Points of the Al-In System